Christian Blog Party 2020!

Christian Blog Party! This is for you all of my Christian Bloggers out there!

Christian Blog Party! This is for you all of my Christian Bloggers out there!

To participate in this Christian Blog Party:

Introduce yourself in the comments
and share a link to
a favorite Christian blog post of yours!

It’s that simple

I encourage you to share, but also check out the other comments and visit other people’s blogs. This is a great way to connect and discover new blogs to follow and comment on.

I look forward to reading your favorite blog posts!

I got this idea from Yari Garcia Writes.

I guess this was similar to: The Christian Blogger Comment Link Up Post that I did.

About the Author

11 thoughts on “Christian Blog Party 2020!

  1. I don’t know if I can pick just one post of my favourites. But here’s my blog My goal is not to ‘get people right.’ My goal is to get people whole. When they get whole they’ll get right.

Feel free to share your comment! Thank you!

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